General info about Croatia
Time zone: GMT + one hour (London 12:00, Zagreb 13:00)
Water: Tap water is safe for drinking.
Electricity: 220 volt.
Currency and exchange rate:
- Kuna (100 lipa); 1 EUR is approximately 7,5 Croatian kuna (HRK).
- ATMs are available throughout Croatia. They will accept different bank cards, credit cards (Diners Club, Eurocard/MasterCard, Visa, American Express etc.) and debit cards (Cirrus, Maestro, Visa electron etc.).
Eat and drink:
- Turoš cheese with red paprika; cone-shaped and dried
- Orehnjača rolled cake filled with walnut cream
- Međimurska or Prekmurska gibanica; Međimurje County layer cake with apple, poppyseed, walnut and cottage cheese fillings
- Cheese with cream; often spiced with red paprika
- Mlinci (special pasta) with turkey
- White and black sausages, known as čurke; served with sour cabbage
- Meso z tiblice; dried meat which is stored in a small, wooden barrel called tiblica
- Pasta filled with cheese called štrukli; cooked or baked
- Rakija; type of brandy which can be made of plum (šljivovica), grapes (loza) or other types of fruit and aromatic herbs
- Pelinkovac; bitter herbal liquor
- Various beer and wine sorts
Useful expression in Croatian:
Hello | Bok |
Goodbye | Doviđenja |
Good morning | Dobro jutro |
Good day | Dobar dan |
Good evening | Dobra večer |
Good night | Laku noć |
Yes | Da |
No | Ne |
Please | Molim |
Thank you | Hvala |
You are welcome | Nema na čemu |
Excuse me | Oprostite |
My name is… | Zovem se… |
What is your name? | Vaše ime? |
Pleased to meet you | Drago mi je |
Do you speak English? | Govorite li engleski? |
I do not speak Croatian | Ne govorim hrvatski |
I understand / I do not understand | Razumijem / Ne razumijem |
Where is the…? | Gdje je…? |
information | informacije |
money | novac |
bureau de change | mjenjačnica |
exchange rate | tečaj |
post office | pošta |
tourist office | turistički ured |
accommodation | smještaj |
doctor | doktor |
hospital | bolnica |
1/10/2016 |
15/1/2017 |
15/1/2017 |
10/5/2017 |
Late abstract submission (posters only) 1/6/2017 |
Early registration deadline 30/6/2017 |
3rd announcement 1/7/2017 |
Final program 25/8/2017 |
Conference start 3/9/2017 |
Conference end 7/9/2017 |